Rare wines auction and crowdfunding campaign to support John Wurdeman of Pheasant’s Tears

Caucasian Journal
2 min readDec 26, 2015


26.12.2015 (Hvino News) On December 27th, at 4 PM, the friends of John Wurdeman and the Georgian natural wine invite you to the charity event to be held at Vino Underground, G. Tabidze Street 15, Tbilisi Map .

There will be an auction of rare and collectible Georgian natural wines that are not found anywhere else on the market.

John Wurdeman is founder of Georgian wine brand Pheasant’s Tears and a well-known advocate of Georgian natural wine and culture. John’s friends and colleagues are joining forces to support him, because on December 11th Wurdeman’s house in Sighnaghi (Kakheti) was completely destroyed by fire. All his personal possessions and the ethnographic artifacts that he and his wife have been gathering over past 20 years are lost in fire.

The fire also damaged Pheasant’s Tears wine cellarMapwhere John hosted his guests. It was the house where John, born and raised in the U.S., settled in the 90-es. Read more about John Wurdeman here: How a CD in Virginia led to a wine rebirth in Georgia and Pheasant’s Tears wine blends traditional elements of Georgian culture.
Earlier, an emergency crowdfunding campaign in support John Wurdeman was launched, which already raised $23,750 out of $30k needed. All funds will be used by John and Ketevan to rebuild their home.

For everyone interested in helping John Wurdeman and his family to rebuild his home and cellar, here is the link to his crowdfunding page: https://www.gofundme.com/m2ej8rb2.

Thanks in advance for all support!

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Originally published at news.hvino.com on December 26, 2015.

