A statue of Parajanov unveiled today in Yerevan

09.01.2024 (Caucasian Journal). Caucasian Journal today joins in the celebration of 100 years since birth of Sergei PARAJANOV — world famous film director, who also symbolizes the interconnection and interdependence of the Armenian, Georgian, and all Caucasian art and culture.

“In the temple of cinema, there are images, light and reality. Sergei Parajanov was the master of that temple,” — said Jean-Luc Godard, arguably the most influential French filmmaker.

Sergei Parajanov (1924–1990) was indeed a multifaceted and influential figure in the world of cinema, known for his unique artistic vision and a body of work that remains highly regarded. Born in Tbilisi, to Armenian parents, Parajanov’s life and career were marked by a rich blend of cultural influences from both Georgia and Armenia.

The Parajanov’s anniversary is included in the UNESCO list of anniversaries of outstanding personalities, and is celebrated worldwide, including Yerevan and Tbilisi. A statue of Parajanov was unveiled today in Yerevan, in the area adjacent to the Cinema House (see photo). Yerevan municipality is planning to name the square where the statue is placed The Color of Pomegranates Square — in honor of Sergei Parajanov’s film entitled “The Color of Pomegranates”. In Tbilisi, IArt Gallery is organizing a special event in honor of the maestro.

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